Monday, February 27, 2006

letters to dogs on trucks


dear dogs on trucks jr. sama.

when one is meeting a geijutsuka person for the first time, is it considered impolite to ask them whether they have eaten a proper meal yet that day?

thank you for your time.


209 Dogs on Trucks Blvd. West apt. 25


tags for this post: art myth debunking

Wednesday, February 15, 2006



Thursday, February 09, 2006

for query ( ramps + edible )

letters to dogs on trucks jr - february 9, 2006


dear dogs on trucks jr.

hi! I am writing because I just read a story about ramps and now I really want to eat some ramps!
I can't find them in any stores so now I am looking "online".

I am trying to organize this search by myself but my internet queries are not working out so well.

I am using a very very big search tool so one would think that I would find plenty of info.
sadly, this is not the case. do you know of a way to help me?

Henrietta Kittyson
201 Dogs on Trucks Blvd.
Colorado, The Internet


dear Henrietta, why not try working with a smaller search tool?
here is some info I found with the ramp tag on

thanks for writing, Henrietta!
I hope this information will be useful to you.

Dogs on Trucks jr.


Annual Ramp Supper

May 2006, Cullasaja, Macon County, North Carolina

The Cosby Ramp Festival in Tennessee
First Sat. in May 2006

Waynesville Ramp Festival
May 2006, Waynesville, North Carolina

The Springfield Valley VFD Annual RAMP Dinner
first Sun. May 2006, Romney, West Virginia

Flag Pond Tennessee Ramp Festival
May 2006, Flag Pond, TN.,Community Center

Whitetop Mountain Ramp Festival
May 2006, Whitetop,Virginia


Monday, February 06, 2006

see the bake sale on television

---...-- - february 6, 2006 - 2:53 pm - a memo to readers - televised coverage of today's clean air bake sale today in Blacksburg, Virginia will appear on channel 10 at 5 pm and on channel 7 at 6 or 11 pm, according to sources. - --...-- - images of this event will be posted on thank you for reading the loop.---...---



Thursday, February 02, 2006

a letter from Nantoka del'Ouest

- ooo ... ooo -


dear dogs on trucks jr.
hey hey hey! check me out. I am on the newsvine private beta. is that not so cool?
nantoka del'ouest

- ooo ... ooo -

dear Nantoka, yes that is very cool!
you should put something on there about the mines being shut down in West Virginia today.

if you do, don't forget to mark the date clearly: february 2, 2006.

- ooo ... ooo -

dear dogs on trucks jr. I like your content. may I re-use it?
a human

dear "a human" yes! please, be my guest.
my content is designed for re-use by humans.

that is what these handy shipping containers are for.

all I ask is that you make sure that no feral robots get a hold of it and tag it as their own.
that happened to me one time and let me tell you what when I found out about it I iced those robots faster than the speed of light itself.

thanks for writing! sincerely,
dogs on trucks jr.


- ooo ... ooo -