Thursday, February 02, 2006

a letter from Nantoka del'Ouest

- ooo ... ooo -


dear dogs on trucks jr.
hey hey hey! check me out. I am on the newsvine private beta. is that not so cool?
nantoka del'ouest

- ooo ... ooo -

dear Nantoka, yes that is very cool!
you should put something on there about the mines being shut down in West Virginia today.

if you do, don't forget to mark the date clearly: february 2, 2006.

- ooo ... ooo -

dear dogs on trucks jr. I like your content. may I re-use it?
a human

dear "a human" yes! please, be my guest.
my content is designed for re-use by humans.

that is what these handy shipping containers are for.

all I ask is that you make sure that no feral robots get a hold of it and tag it as their own.
that happened to me one time and let me tell you what when I found out about it I iced those robots faster than the speed of light itself.

thanks for writing! sincerely,
dogs on trucks jr.


- ooo ... ooo -


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