dogs on trucks jr. replies
I am sorry to hear of your recent frustrations but please reserve theoretical use of your compound knitting bow for more worthwhile pursuits, like stitching the broken pieces of (the Nucleus Area) back together again.
Shooting at illusory things is a bad idea generally, and it runs counter to the nonviolent spirit of the loop. Besides, we need to be thrifty with those arrows.
Below is some content which may help ease your frustrations. Please feel better soon!
sincerely, your pal, dogs on trucks
ps. Don't worry! Shimpai Shi-nai!
"There is now significant concern that the holiday retail season is going to underperform," said Gregory Miller, chief economist at SunTrust Banks. "Traffic doesn't necessarily translate into profits," he said, referring to reports of crowded stores over the weekend.
suggested queries for this post - voluntary simplicity