dogs on trucks mail call
Dear Dogs on Trucks Jr. Kun.
Please help and assist!
I am trying to re-organize the Internet as per your instructions and am not having very much success.
First of all I have just a whole lot of information clumped at the Western-most point of the Loop, I mean it just isn't funny.
Then in the Nucleus Area I have practically nothing at all! What I am able to find is either corny and stereotypical, or it is utterly depressing.
The Northern-most point of the loop is not looking so bad, and the Eastern-most point is getting a little better, but I am still having trouble hunting down the right kind of content for these parts of the loop.
Am I doing something wrong?
Henrietta K.
Dear Henrietta-san, thanks for your inquiry!
No, you are not doing anything wrong at all.
Most people find it very difficult, if not impossible, to find relevant Internet content related to (the Nucleus Area). That is why your job is so important!
Try concentrating on the Southern-most point of the loop for the moment. Whatever you happen to find that also belongs in the (Nucleus Area) category, file it accordingly and consider yourself lucky. (The Nucleus Area) is practically invisible from the point of view of "The Internet" - but not for long, if folks like you keep up your good work.
Also, remember that a well-balanced Internet diet must include a little bit of grit now and then, so don't be afraid to serve a certain amount of not-so-fun content.
I have posted a site map below for your convenience. I hope this will help.
Thanks very much for your time and your patience, Henrietta!
Your pal,
Dogs on Trucks. Jr.
Please help and assist!
I am trying to re-organize the Internet as per your instructions and am not having very much success.
First of all I have just a whole lot of information clumped at the Western-most point of the Loop, I mean it just isn't funny.
Then in the Nucleus Area I have practically nothing at all! What I am able to find is either corny and stereotypical, or it is utterly depressing.
The Northern-most point of the loop is not looking so bad, and the Eastern-most point is getting a little better, but I am still having trouble hunting down the right kind of content for these parts of the loop.
Am I doing something wrong?
Henrietta K.
Dear Henrietta-san, thanks for your inquiry!
No, you are not doing anything wrong at all.
Most people find it very difficult, if not impossible, to find relevant Internet content related to (the Nucleus Area). That is why your job is so important!
Try concentrating on the Southern-most point of the loop for the moment. Whatever you happen to find that also belongs in the (Nucleus Area) category, file it accordingly and consider yourself lucky. (The Nucleus Area) is practically invisible from the point of view of "The Internet" - but not for long, if folks like you keep up your good work.
Also, remember that a well-balanced Internet diet must include a little bit of grit now and then, so don't be afraid to serve a certain amount of not-so-fun content.
I have posted a site map below for your convenience. I hope this will help.
Thanks very much for your time and your patience, Henrietta!
Your pal,
Dogs on Trucks. Jr.