Sunday, December 30, 2007

happy 12-30-07 from your Aunties etc.

Hello Shouseki Learners

I hope you are doing well today and enjoying your school break, and I hope you are partying your socks off in honor of freedom, Lakota style. At dawn on 01-01-08 a bunch of hard work will begin for you, but you will love it because your Aunties Etc. will have built that feature right in to the Shouseki Academy learning resource administration device.

Maybe some of you out there are thinking, how can I throw a party, or attend a party, which will allow me to take the maximum advantage of the current freedoms I enjoy right now?


Your Aunties Etc. are so glad you asked.

But first, please oblige them while they recite a few jokes etc. for you. The answers to these have been withheld until the first day of school so that you will be extra-motivated to show up. Once you have the answers to these in a crafty format, you will never need to skip breakfast again, no matter how hard times may become!

If you would like to start setting the table for a Shouseki Joke Feast, just copy these jokes etc. onto some colored construction paper cut out into oak leaf shapes. Don’t forget to leave room for the answers, so you and your party guests can quickly jot them down when they are announced on Katuah National Radio!

If you feel that your upcoming travels and/or environmental shifts may take you to places where a construction paper oak leaf could disintegrate or otherwise decay, you may wish to consider crafting this item from something a bit more durable, and/or washable. This is an important back-to-school step you should take, since your Oak Leaf will open doors for you and your party guests when the Ninjas swarm Katuah to ensure its continued liberation.

Many more jokes etc. like these can be freely obtained in the forests of

- --…-- -

- What is the best way to get rid of the Shouseki Cough?

- --…-- -

- Knock knock!
- Who’s there?
- Free Leonard.

- --…-- -

- What time is it in Katuah when it is 8 pm in Kyoto?

- --…-- -

- Where is Crazy Horse buried?

- --…-- -

- When is a straw man not a straw man?

- --…-- -

- Who are you?

- --…-- -

Friday, March 30, 2007

notes from La Leyenda dei Nantoka-tachi

Na-a-antoka chan!


Gohan desu yo!

Mais la Nantoka
N’etait pas la.

La Nantoka
S’en est allee, forever, and for real.
Banned to the breadline for no good reason.

Zannen deshita ne, Nantoka-chan!
Yarashii, ne, Ningen tachi wa.

Taihen omoshiroku arimasen, Nantoka-tachi.
S’il vous plait, forgive us please!

Shoseki no tenrankai de gozaimasu.
Yoroshiku onegaitashimasu.

Please come back to us! We love you!


Mina-san, do you understand the real danger that exists when an angel waits in a breadline? This is an especially good question to ask yourself if you are some sort of maker of bread. Or a maker of anything at all that might wind up getting fed to angels unawares.

Ghost is a broken angel, as someone once said, and feeding bad bread to angels is a very good way to break them, and in so doing undo yourself.


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Cop Mosie gets an "A" in art class

Dear Cop Mosie-kun,

I have just finished reviewing your latest art project and was extremely impressed with the results. Your use of color is very clever and your interpretation of the requisite Crying Dinosaurs theme was very insightful. I am awarding you an "A" in this class and wish you continued success in your artistic endeavors.

Dogs on Trucks Jr.

Sunday, March 25, 2007




Monday, November 27, 2006

dogs on trucks jr. replies

dera Henrietta-san.

I am sorry to hear of your recent frustrations but please reserve theoretical use of your compound knitting bow for more worthwhile pursuits, like stitching the broken pieces of (the Nucleus Area) back together again.

Shooting at illusory things is a bad idea generally, and it runs counter to the nonviolent spirit of the loop. Besides, we need to be thrifty with those arrows.

Below is some content which may help ease your frustrations. Please feel better soon!

sincerely, your pal, dogs on trucks

ps. Don't worry! Shimpai Shi-nai!


"There is now significant concern that the holiday retail season is going to underperform," said Gregory Miller, chief economist at SunTrust Banks. "Traffic doesn't necessarily translate into profits," he said, referring to reports of crowded stores over the weekend.


suggested queries for this post - voluntary simplicity

- --...-- -

dear dogs on trucks jr. sama,

please help me pronounce the arrow sound that will be heard when the last ugly Content Cruncher has been successfully dispatched, ending forever the profound and destructive sorrow that plagues all the Geijutsuka People today.

also please provide me a digital fac-simile of the arrow sound. I need something to cheer me up.

please and thank you thank you thank you.

H. Kittyson

ps. Please give my aisatsu to Our Friends the Mycelium.


suggested queries for this post - fun with ambient un-findability

Friday, November 24, 2006

get you one

Kampekki Garakuda is pleased to recommend - American Dumpster’s long-awaited new CD, Rumor Mill, which became available in stores on Thursday, May 18th of this year. Plan 9 Music stores carry this item, which can also be obtained at one of the American Dumpster's live performances.

From the band's website:

..The project began in June, 2005, when Montreal based producer Matt Zimbel saw the band in performance in Charlottesville, VA at the request of executive producers Ian Day and Lucinda Ewell. When pre-production began in July, 2005, front man Christian Breeden and the band agreed, along with their producer and executive producers, that the record’s foremost aim was to capture the enthusiasm, whimsy, and spontaneity of the band’s live show, while carving out a more intimate sonic space than a live venue can allow—a space in which the nuances of the music and the delicacy of the lyrics are able to speak more closely to the listener...

...Throughout the record an intimacy is established with the material, and especially with Christian Breeden’s voice, so that every nuance of his husky singing, down to each raspy breath, speaks directly to the listener. Often compared to Johnny Cash and Leonard Cohen, Breeden’s bourbon-soaked voice delivers the message—always with grace, but without ceremony.

“First the man takes the drink

And then the drink takes the man.

I threw my baby out with the wash

And now I got one dirty hand.

So I killed two birds and then got stoned.”

“The Quitter” by Christian Breeden



Monday, September 04, 2006

dogs on trucks mail call

Dear Dogs on Trucks Jr. Kun.

Please help and assist!
I am trying to re-organize the Internet as per your instructions and am not having very much success.

First of all I have just a whole lot of information clumped at the Western-most point of the Loop, I mean it just isn't funny.

Then in the Nucleus Area I have practically nothing at all! What I am able to find is either corny and stereotypical, or it is utterly depressing.

The Northern-most point of the loop is not looking so bad, and the Eastern-most point is getting a little better, but I am still having trouble hunting down the right kind of content for these parts of the loop.

Am I doing something wrong?


Henrietta K.


Dear Henrietta-san, thanks for your inquiry!
No, you are not doing anything wrong at all.

Most people find it very difficult, if not impossible, to find relevant Internet content related to (the Nucleus Area). That is why your job is so important!

Try concentrating on the Southern-most point of the loop for the moment. Whatever you happen to find that also belongs in the (Nucleus Area) category, file it accordingly and consider yourself lucky. (The Nucleus Area) is practically invisible from the point of view of "The Internet" - but not for long, if folks like you keep up your good work.

Also, remember that a well-balanced Internet diet must include a little bit of grit now and then, so don't be afraid to serve a certain amount of not-so-fun content.

I have posted a site map below for your convenience. I hope this will help.

Thanks very much for your time and your patience, Henrietta!

Your pal,
Dogs on Trucks. Jr.